
Updates and new from TDS.

Savvy Spending: Best On-Demand Fitness Apps and Programs

Those who want to save and still stay fit without a commitment, it's time to get savvy. The fitness tapes and DVDs of old have made a comeback in the form of online streaming, apps and in home "live" memberships that allow participants the benefit of a fancy boutique workout at a fraction of the cost. Here area few of our favorite options to get fit without stretching out your wallet.
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Unique experiences for TDS interns

In just one week, TDS provided two unique professional opportunities to its interns. As a company that fills 30 to 40 percent of its positions internally, TDS works to recruit the best interns and give them the best experience to prepare them for future positions. Read more to learn about what the Intern Employee Resource Group has been up to this week.
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