Tag: good cheap music

Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Moby

Moby literally played his first show to promote the album in a Virgin Megastore basement, but in 2000 he was leading the MTV Campus Invasion tour. One mega-hit and lots of exposure catapulted Moby from relative obscurity to selling nearly 15 million albums worldwide after essentially none the first twelve months.
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: AC/DC

AC/DC is iconic—what else needs to be said? This album alone has sold nearly 20 million copies worldwide. Odds are you know and are familiar with AC/DC’s hits. It’s tough to not hear them on some form of radio, even now—and today you can pick up Highway to Hell for a song so get it while it’s hot!
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Coldplay

Some people like to poke fun at Coldplay because of the softer feel, but it’s no bother. Critical acclaim for this album was furious, Rolling Stone called Coldplay the ‘best band of the year’ and the album brought them a Grammy Award for ‘Record of the Year’ and it was number one on the charts and it has sold nearly 20 million copies to date.
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Genesis

Invisible Touch is simply masterful. From top to bottom, the album runs through up-tempo standard pop, to thoughtful, introspective ballads. Out of eight tracks, six of them were successful singles and very popular radio staples to this day. This one today for $5 bucks is a steal.
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Peter Frampton

Happy New Year, music fans! Generally, I like to swap calendars and reward myself with some new tunes. You know, give a band I’ve been meaning to get to for years a shot and see if they make the rotation. In 2018 however, I was inspired by a friend to go back to some absolute classic albums and determine where they fit in the all-time record books.
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Sublime

Is it possible to be one of the more influential acts of the ‘90s while only releasing three records? Moreover, what if one of those albums came out posthumously after the lead singer’s tragic passing? The 17 million albums sold worldwide would say it is—and their cult following, in spite of breaking up nearly 20 years ago, seems to have cemented their legacy.
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Mariah Carey

Selling half a billion records is an accomplishment only The Beatles and Elvis can lay claim to—but selling a quarter billion is still one heck of a feat. Today’s featured artist has hit that mark and is the third best-selling female artist of all time. No doubt her fifth album, "Daydream" contributed to that status (it was nominated for six Grammy Awards alone!). Today you can score it for only $5.
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Heart

Start your 2017 off right by putting on some good tunes, and Heart’s “Dreamboat Annie” certainly qualifies. Admittedly Heart isn’t the first band I think of in terms of iconic 70’s rock n’ roll, but they should be more involved in the conversation than they seem to be—a very under appreciated act that has so many good records.
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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Cat Stevens

There is so much good music out there; it can be difficult to familiarize yourself with all of it. Sometimes it takes riding in a friend’s car or mindlessly listening to Pandora to have something catch your ear. In today’s case, Jeep has been playing ads featuring today’s artist which is exposing a new generation to some pretty solid tunes.
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