
Updates and new from TDS.

The lowest of the low: charity scams

Arguably, charity scams are one of the ugliest kinds of fraud. By taking advantage of the kindness of others, scammers are stealing money intended to help those most in need—and people are very kind. With hundreds of billions of dollars donated every year, the less scrupulous try to benefit. During Charity Fraud Awareness Week, review six tips for making sure your money is having the most impact.
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TDS’ own IronMand

No, the headline isn't a typo--let us explain. TDS had a special connection to the recent Wisconsin Ironman race—our very own director of Network Configuration and Tech Support competed in the famous triathlon for the first time. In fact, Jeff had never run 26.2 miles, had never swum 2.4 miles, and had never biked 112 miles. Find out what motivated him to try.
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First TDS all-company school supply drive is major success

This past week, TDS Telecom employees from across the country participated in the organization’s first-ever TDS All-Company School Supply Drive. Offices in New Mexico, Wisconsin, Utah, Oregon, and Minnesota all collected items to be donated to their respective, local schools. The outstanding efforts of all the participating offices resulted in a collection totaling more than 10,000 items.
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Your TDS bill is getting fresh look!

We know you’ve been asking for clearer, easier-to-understand bills—and now they’re coming! The new look and feel is rolling out starting out this month, so watch your inbox or mailbox. If you’re used to the older format, what you’re going to see will be a big change for the better. Get a guided tour of the new bills so you're ready when they arrive.
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Two more 50th anniversary charitable donations

June marks the halfway point in the TDS 50 for 50 Golden Year of Giving initiative. The funds are being given to charities nominated and chosen by employees from all of the companies. In May we told about about three of the TDS-selected charities that were awarded funds, and we're pleased to share that two more have been added to list of winners!
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Who is TDS?

Maybe you’ve seen our trucks, spotted our ads, or read about us in your local paper—but those don’t really tell you who we are. Please, allow us to introduce ourselves. Hi, we’re TDS. We are a 50-year-old, family-run, communications company. Learn more about our history which says a lot about who we are today.
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Take a walk on TDS’ wild side

You might think you have to take an exotic vacation to enjoy some amazing sights. Actually, you don't have to go any further than TDS serving areas.  In honor of summer officially starting soon check out these amazing TDS places located on world-famous and unique walking trails and paths (and start making plans to visit!).
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Top 5 things NOT to do on your resume

Writing a resume is more of an art form than a science and, depending on your industry and your career choice, it can be hard to make yourself stand out from the stack of resumes a recruiter and hiring manager receive. Some applicants get exceptionally creative in an effort to try and make it to the top of the pile—often times to their detriment. A TDS recruiter shares her expert tips for getting noticed for the right reasons.
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