
It’s time to review your privacy settings on Twitter

Twitter is looking for new ways to produce revenue and remain relevant to users and advertisers – and you might not like their latest effort. Twitter just implemented new tracking settings that many users are less than thrilled about. If you’re a tweeter and automatically accepted the recent change to the privacy policy, you might want to take a closer look.
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Five ways to spot a phishing scam

It's called "phishing" because cyber criminals try to lure you into their trap, often using a legitimate-looking emails, hoping you take the bait. Their goal? To trick you into revealing account numbers and payment information. The REAL trick is being alert and knowing what to look for so you don't fall for this kind of scam. Since most phishing emails have some common elements, they're easy to spot once you know what to watch for.
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Savvy Spending: 5 Easy Ways to Cut Costs in 2017

Even if you're not a believer in making resolutions, the new year is a great time to step back and re-evaluate your spending habits (and maybe rein it in here and there). Perhaps you're saving for a house, a vacation, or just want to put more in savings. No matter your reason, we're here to help, rounding up five simple ways to cut costs and find savings in 2017.
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Make a Snapchat filter for your party!

With holiday events coming quickly, we thought it would be worth revisiting something we’ve talked about before—Snapchat filters. If you’re all about throwing Pinterest-worthy parties, creating a custom filter for your holiday or New Year’s party would be the perfect finishing touch. Yes, you can make one of your very own and have it ready in 24 hours (and could cost you as little as $5!).
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What to do if you’re a victim of a data breach

Unfortunately, in today’s world, data breaches happen. Companies and websites get hacked, or scammers trick people—maybe even you—into revealing important information. If you think your data has been stolen, your first step shouldn’t be to panic. Instead, take a deep breath and follow these steps so you can regain control over your information and minimize any potential damage.
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The right and wrong ways to defrost a turkey: answers from the internet

The joy of a frozen turkey is that you can buy it well in advance of your holiday and eat it later—as long as you defrost it safely. If you defrost your turkey wrong? Well, you could be inviting bacteria to join you for dinner. I scoured the internet in search of the best and worst ways to go about defrosting your Butterball. Here are your answers (including a way to cook the turkey straight from frozen, if you missed your defrosting window!).
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