Author: TVTesters

On-Screen Voice Mail

Technology keeps changing to make our lives easier. Being able to check messages through the TV is just another small thing to enhance your home communication experience. And when things like this keep getting added, and for free, life just keeps getting better.
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You don’t have to live in the heart of Tuscaloosa to know that SEC sports are big in the south. As a die-hard UW Badger fan, I’ve heard all the rumblings how we in the north don’t know much about football. And the proof seems to be on the scoreboard – the schools south of the Mason Dixon line win NCAA championships.
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Are you ready for some football?

Football season is here! Well, okay – it’s really a month away yet. But it’s time to start thinking about where you’re going to watch your favorite team play, and how you’ll plan on watching those games. In the past, you huddled around your TV whenever your team was scheduled. Well, no more, TDS TV has added NFL Network and NFL RedZone to their TDS TV Everywhere programming.
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Adding Choices

It’s a new day, and that means new shows to watch and more channels to navigate through. Needless to say, my attention was grabbed with TDS TV’s announcement to add the Viacom family to the list of TV Everywhere content. I was even more excited to see a couple of my favorite channels and shows were part of that grouping.
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Swift action, happy customers

You may have read my recent blog about installations, and truth be told, some of that experience was from my initial install back in 2012, and some was from talking with other customers who have ordered TDS TV in the last six months. But behind the scenes, I had been building a new house since February and TDS was scheduled and all set to install my services on April 30th. Or so we all thought…
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Full Stream Ahead!

Whether you subscribe to the TDS TV Basic channel package, or the Expanded Plus—there always seems to be multiple things on that you want to watch. But many of us may have found ourselves in a pickle–I want to record too many things at once! Now that problem has been solved because recording options are much more plentiful. If you're on fiber, you can now record and watch four – yes you read that correctly, FOUR high definition combined streams at once (customers on copper lines now get 3 HD!)
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Let there be sound!

Sometimes you just want to eat your morning Cheerios and catch the weather—but other times you want to feel like you’re a part of the program you’re watching. Find out what Austin thinks can give you that immersive sound experience....without the cords.
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Don’t see it? Add it!

Did you know that TDS TV customers can request channels they'd like to see added to the channel lineup? Sure, it can't always happen, but you at least get a vote (and TDS really does take customer feedback into consideration). Find out how to put in your two cents.
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