Author: Missy Kellor

What is the dark web?

You’ve likely heard the term “dark web” in the headlines and news stories, but very few of us really know what it means. It certainly sounds scary and foreboding, but what is this place? Where is it? What can you do there? How do you get there—and should you go? Here are the answers so you can understand:
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Who is TDS?

Maybe you’ve seen our trucks, spotted our ads, or read about us in your local paper—but those don’t really tell you who we are. Please, allow us to introduce ourselves. Hi, we’re TDS. We are a 50-year-old, family-run, communications company. Learn more about our history which says a lot about who we are today.
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Take a walk on TDS’ wild side

You might think you have to take an exotic vacation to enjoy some amazing sights. Actually, you don't have to go any further than TDS serving areas.  In honor of summer officially starting soon check out these amazing TDS places located on world-famous and unique walking trails and paths (and start making plans to visit!).
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Look out for rental scams

You head online looking for a new apartment—someplace nice, reasonably priced, and with great amenities. Based on the photos, you find the perfect one and contact the owner—and that's where things start to go wrong. Find out more about this scam the Better Business Bureau is warning about.
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Which face is real?

When you see a picture of a person, you probably feel pretty confident you can spot something real or something Photoshopped—and you might.But there’s a big difference between spotting a touched up photo vs. one that’s been created by a computer that looks completely real. Test yourself and find out how to tell the difference.
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Celebrating Pi Day

March 14th of every year has become a celebration of the Greek letter “π”, used to represent the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter—approximately 3.14. Since we’re a technology company (translation: there are a lot of self-described nerds and geeks around here), we are pretty big fans of this no-so-serious holiday. How are you going to celebrate? We’ve got a few ideas for you along with a roundup of a few Pi Day deals.
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