Author: Missy Kellor

Hallmark Christmas Movie bingo 2019

It may be Halloween, but today you can skip the tricks and enjoy a treat. No, it’s not candy, it's our popular Hallmark Christmas Bingo! It's back and better than ever (and, added bonus: has fewer calories than your favorite sweet and this will last the entire holiday season).
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The lowest of the low: charity scams

Arguably, charity scams are one of the ugliest kinds of fraud. By taking advantage of the kindness of others, scammers are stealing money intended to help those most in need—and people are very kind. With hundreds of billions of dollars donated every year, the less scrupulous try to benefit. During Charity Fraud Awareness Week, review six tips for making sure your money is having the most impact.
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Welcome to the new Stevens Point retail space

TDS’ first retail space in Central Wisconsin is officially open!  The TDS Fiber storefront in Stevens Point is a place where you can get face-to-face help, sign up, and sample what TDS Fiber has to offer. The store is located at 3296 Church Street and you are welcome to come in during regular store hours Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and every other Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Not-so-free trials and tribulations

Depending on who is offering the free item, it’s totally okay to give the product a try. But some dishonest companies will use fake endorsements and bury the terms of their “free trial” offers in fine print (or not disclose them at all). Their real goal is lock you into recurring payments and rob you blind. Find out what to watch for and how to file a complaint if you got taken for a ride.
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How to search and find your digital footprint

You’ve heard over, and over (and over) how you should do your best to protect your privacy and what you share online. Even if you’re thinking, “I’m not really a private person, so I don’t care what’s out there” —you really should. The more information that’s publicly available, the easier it is to create a good scam.
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