• TV
COZI TV headed to Milwaukee area
Watch STARZ content anywhere, anytime!
STARZ and ENCORE both have new looks a new app. Get the scoop on the changes so you won't miss a movie or an episode of Outlander or Black Sails.
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How to get your friends and family to watch Game of Thrones
Do you watch Game of Thrones alone? Are your friends and family sick of you talking about your little “dragon” show? Have they resisted all of your attempts to get them interested in watching it? Maybe all you need to do is revise your pitch. Think about what TV shows they watch now, and then highlight the aspects of Game of Thrones that should most appeal to them. We've got lots of ideas.
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Your Binge-Watching Guide to Game of Thrones
Can’t tell a Targaryen from a Tyrell but don’t have the time to watch all 50 episodes? Here’s our binge-watching guide to the 13 essential Game of Thrones episodes you need to watch before Sunday night’s season premiere (remember: it's a free HBO preview weekend!).
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11 Deep-dives into Game of Thrones
With only ten new episodes a year, Game of Thrones can leave even the casual fan wanting more. Luckily, the world of Westeros expands far, far, far beyond the TV show. We have 11 easy ways to get your Thrones on.
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Free HBO preview!
Starting Friday, April 22, TDS TV customers will have access to HBO and its vast array of content. The highlight of the three-day preview is the season premieres of Game of Thrones, Silicon Valley and Veep on Sunday night.
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COMET TV headed to Minneapolis area!
On May 16, COMET TV will be available to TDS TV customers in the Minneapolis area on channel 24 as part of our basic cable service package.
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NHL playoff blackouts
The Revenant comes to TDS TV on Demand
Coming to TDS TV on Demand: "The Revenant" which scored multiple Oscars, including Best Actor, Best Director and Cinematography—making it one of the top films of 2015. Other upcoming standout programs coming to a TV near you include the spy thriller "The Night Manager," Ken Burns' new documentary, "Jackie Robison," and a new season of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt."
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