
How you got scammed in 2019

Spoiler alert: consumers got scammed a LOT in 2019 and lost a ton of money in the process. Every year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) maintains a database of fraud activity from state and federal law enforcement, private partners, and consumers like you. Get seven key takeaways from last year's data.
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FTC: Watch out for tax identity theft

‘Tis the season when the tidings come in envelopes stamped “Important Tax Return Document Enclosed.” Yes, it’s tax filing season, and the season’s Grinches are the tax identity thieves and government imposters who are hoping to steal your money. Find out what you need to watch out for and how to steer clear of these scams.
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New year, new tech updates

The new year is the perfect time to start fresh with some technology updates. And don’t worry about it costing lots of money—in most cases you don’t need to spend a dime to gain features and, more importantly, to increase your online safety.
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Smart home safety tips

With the lure of convenience, smart-home devices are more popular than ever—and now they’re popular with hackers too. The security of a network is only as strong as the weakest link and often connected devices such as stoves, refrigerators, doorbells, and thermostats are those weak points. Get tips to stay safe.
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Travel alert: don’t fall prey to “juice jacking”

Think twice before plugging your phone or device into the USB charging stations in public places. The Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office is warning travelers that criminals may set up USB charging stations to infect devices with malware. When you plug in (even using your own cables) these stations download malware that could lock your device or export data and passwords directly to the scammer.
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Set your scam alert level to high this holiday!

Forget snow storms—the holidays present the perfect conditions for a storm of scams. Think about it: we’re all busy, distracted, and doing nearly every activity frequently targeted by cyber scammers. In just a handful of weeks we’re reading oodles of emails, planning travel, shopping online, giving to charity, and receiving lots of packages. Just like you prepare for real-life storms, you need to be ready for this flurry of potential scam activity.
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