
Updates and new from TDS.

What’s showing on HBO® and Cinemax®

Now that the busy-ness of the holidays is over, you can sit down, relax, and enjoy the great entertainment HBO® and Cinemax® have to offer. From new shows, returning favorites, and theatrical blockbusters—there’s a lot to watch (and, from January 9-11 it’s a FREE preview weekend for both channels!).
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One trans-Atlantic telegraph cable started it all

In the last 156 years we've gone from laying a telegraph cable to having phone service, the Internet, smart phones, and even connected "smart" homes (all over the world!). Check out what it took to make the first trans-Atlantic cable happen (hint: it took a few tries) and get a little more interesting telecom history to boot!
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New TDS email: how to change spam settings

When you start using the email new platform, you might notice more email spam making it into your inbox—but it doesn't have to be this way. The new email platform has a spam filter and you can control how hard the it looks for email you didn’t ask for. We show you how to change the settings so you'll get only "real" email, and not an inbox full of spam.
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Changes to TDS email: more details

If you have an email account with TDS, you’ve already heard the news—the Google email platform we’ve been using is being discontinued (we weren’t happy about it either). Even though the move to a new platform should be fairly painless process, you still may have some questions. There are four new things about the email switch you might be interested to know.
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We can solve two of your biggest fears

A recent story in USA Today caught our eyes—they reported on a Chapman University survey exploring what people feared the most. Of the top five fears people revealed, two are completely solvable (right now!) by using tools TDS has available. Find out what the top fears are and how we've got you covered.
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