volunteer_recognition_dayMainstream or obscure, every day there’s at least one ‘holiday’ to celebrate. There are way too many to keep track of, and lots of them are worth noting, like the one today—Volunteer Recognition Day. Volunteering and giving back to the community is one of the foundations of TDS. All employees—across all of TDS—have the ability to make an impact and volunteering is a great way to do so. According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteers in America have contributed $173 billion of service!

As Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Everybody can be great because anyone can serve.”

TDS strongly believes this is true—through our Be Good Citizens policy, TDS grants four hours of paid volunteer time per quarter.

Today is also a great day to look back on some of the most prolific volunteers TDS has had over the years. These volunteers of the quarter have been recognized for going above and beyond by making a difference in their communities.

Do you have plans to celebrate today? And what kinds of things do you do to give back? Please share in the comments.

Luke_BrooksGuest Blogger: Luke Brooks
Luke is the intern for the Corporate Communications team at TDS and does a lot more than brew coffee and make copies. He is called on for anything from press releases to multimedia projects. Luke is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in Communication Arts and Journalism and Mass Communication. His strongest passions are movies and sports.

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