TDS and its employees are giving back! In the last few months we’ve been busy making a difference in our communities.

Employees donate food to help fight hunger
TDS employees, just by working out and losing weight, donated 4,264.80 pounds of food to Madison, Wisconsin area food pantries!

In January TDS employees in Madison had the chance to join the Million Pound Challenge. For certain weeks this winter, every time a participant exercised for an hour or lost a pound of weight, a local health club donated 10 pounds of food to the pantry that person selected.

The challenge met goal–1,000,000 pounds of food was donated due to the efforts of participants. And, out of all the groups/organizations that participated, TDS ranked #14 out of 164 teams when it came to most amount of food donated!


March_Community_Tri_4_SchoolsTDS Named Presenting Sponsor of Tri 4 Schools After-School Health Program
With help from the funds raised at the 2014 TDS Open last July, area non-profit Tri 4 Schools will be expanding their Exercise to Achievement after-school program. Forty-five children in each participating school learn to eat right, exercise properly, and train for a kids triathlon or mud run.

In honor of the donation, TDS has been named the presenting sponsor of that program.

Exercise to Achievement is currently implemented in six schools throughout Dane County, Wis. The generous TDS Open donation will allow Tri 4 Schools to bring the offering to 10 schools. As beneficiaries of the TDS Open, Tri 4 Schools and Dane County Response split the more than $32,000 raised at the event.

Remaining funds have been invested in the growing Tri 4 Schools endowment fund. The interest gained will help Tri 4 Schools bring their programs to new communities, offer scholarships and resources for less privileged kids, and allow the organization to partner with other community groups to deliver services to new areas.


Brian Falkowski: Senior Accountant and Polar Plunger
March_Community_Polar_PlungeWhen Brian wanted to jump into icy cold water for a good cause, his coworkers were more than supportive—they raised $285 for the Special Olympics!

Brian joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business Evening MBA Team and jumped into freezing cold water February 21, 2015.

The event helps raise funds for Special Olympics Wisconsin, and more than 10,000 athletes throughout the state. As Brian said, “The cold is only temporary, but the impact we’ll be making on the lives of the athletes will last a lifetime.” ​

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