About TDS Security Team

The latest news and advice from the TDS Security Team.
Author Archive | TDS Security Team

Personalized scams: made just for you!

Unlike the “you won the lottery” headlines that scammers send out with a generic message and hope someone takes the bait, personalized scams are different—which makes them harder to spot. Find out what sets a personalized scams apart and get tips for spotting them.
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Multi-factor authentication: an extra layer of safety

Billions of people worldwide were impacted by cyber attacks in 2018 (yes, BILLIONS). In fact, one report says 765 million became victims between April and June of last year alone. At this point it’s really not realistic to think it won’t happen to you. Chances are, it will—but that doesn’t mean you have to make it easy. Adding an extra layer of security to your accounts can help reverse those odds.
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Google phishing

Test your phishing skills with a new Google quiz

We talk a lot about phishing scams on this blog and for good reason: these scams are on the rise and getting more sophisticated. There's a new quiz from Google's Jigsaw company designed to test your scam-spotting know-how. Do you measure up? Take it and find out.
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Online gaming: an overlooked potential security risk

If you, or someone in your family, enjoy the super-popular online games be warned: there are real-life security risks at play in online gaming. There have been hacks involving Fortnite, Town of Salem, and Fallout 76. Epic Games offers some easy steps gamers can take to keep their information private.
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Hacking humans: the dangers of social engineering

To get people to comply with their scam, social engineers hack people. They use tactics such as creating a sense of urgency, minimizing rules/consequences, building rapport, playing on the victim's sympathy, and impersonating an authority figure or other trusted person. Find out what you can do to become a human firewall and protect against this kind of trickery.
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Everyone knows your password

Especially when you’re busy and doing a lot online (holiday shopping, for example), the temptation is strong to take a shortcut and use the same password twice…or three times…or more. But don’t do it. A few seconds of time savings in the moment could ultimately cost you a lot more.
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Security awareness: increase in malicious emails and attacks

Keep a watchful eye on your email inbox. Our internal security team has been noticing an uptick in malicious email campaigns sent to TDS employee inboxes—and a similar increase in their personal accounts as well. Get the scoop on the two scams popping up recently.
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tech lock square

How to be online and also be safe

Your computer could become infected with malware while you visit a completely legitimate and trusted website. These Drive-by Downloads" are on the rise. Learn what you can do to stay safe.
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Phishing email

Can you spot the phish?

Each phishing attempt can look different from another. Some may include a link, others may have a malicious attachment, and another may simply ask you to reply. With the huge variety of methods out there, are you really sure you can spot a phish? Test your spotting skills by looking at six different emails we’ve received over the years.
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chip security risk

New computer chip security weakness disclosed

Bad news, consumers—there’s a new chip-based security vulnerability you need to watch out for. Called “Variant 4,” it doesn’t seem this exploit used in the wild…yet. However, now that it’s out in the open, it’s entirely possible hackers will be working overtime to give it a try. Find out what you can do to stay safe.
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