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Cyber security: you’re not as safe as you think you are

New research by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) reveals we feel a lot more cyber safe than we actually are. In fact, last year, one in five American homes were notified of a data breach (with half of those receiving more than one!)…but yet 79 percent still feel safe! How can you close the gap between how safe you feel and how safe you really are? We've got some easy things you can do.
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3 ways to lock down your router
 (and keep your smart home safe!)

Smart homes might be right around the corner, but are you and your neighbors really ready for them? While research shows the demand for Internet of Things (IoT) devices is likely to skyrocket over the next few years, the security implications of the IoT aren’t so rosy. Current online threats will become much closer to home as more people use IoT devices to “smarten” up their houses, and new security challenges are sure to emerge.
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We’re trading convenience for safety — take precautions on public WiFi

New research has revealed we're not being safe online—and especially not over public WiFi (even if we know the risks!). Find out what you're probably doing wrong and learn what simple and fast things you can do to protect your identity...but still enjoy that free Internet connection.
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5 common Internet scams to look out for

With the awesome number of people online, scams only need to work a tiny percentage of the time to make the bad guys rich. We’re sure you’re savvy enough to avoid most trouble. But for everyone else you know, here are 5 common scams.
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Protect your electronics from lightning

A lightning strike can cause a power surge way above what your house is designed to handle. And, one good zap and your laptop or TV could get fried. Find out how to protect your electronics from lightning (and any other power surge).
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Scam: malicious tagging—don’t watch that video!

A scam using something called malicious tagging is making its way around Facebook and other social media sites. The trouble is, it could leave your computer ridden with malware if you aren’t careful.
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How to spot a phishing email scam

Cyber criminals are always looking for ways to try and steal your information. One of their favorites is to send legitimate-looking emails to "phish" for account numbers, or, better yet, payment information. So how can you spot fake emails from the real thing? We show you five ways to spot a scam.
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4 Facebook scams to avoid

Do you know a Facebook scam when you see one? We've got four scams you should keep an eye out for so you can stay connected to your friends...not scam artists.
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POP3 and IMAP – What are they?

POP and IMAP are two different email delivery methods that operate quite differently. One lets you access ALL your emails on every device you have, and one does not. Learn how each method works so you can set up your devices and email clients to work the way you'd like them to!
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Data Privacy Day: safeguard your personal information and digital footprint

Today is International Data Privacy Day. While this might not be a holiday you’ll celebrate “Pinterest style” with a color-coordinated candy buffet or handmade cut-out cookies, it doesn’t mean it’s not important. In fact, it could be one of the most important holidays of the year.
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