Online Life

Friday tech news roundup for April 4

Amazon introduces Fire TV set-top box to go against Roku, Apple TV, and Chromecast. If you have a Nest Protect smoke detector, be sure to read about the new safety notice that has Nest halting sales. Check out two fun Kickstarter projects—one for halfbike, and another for a food scale that measures calories and food contents. Get tips for mastering your Gmail box (including how to unsend a message), and find out if changing fonts really would save the government $400 million dollars. Finally, find out if you're older than the barcode (and find out what they used to look like) in an interesting history of tech story.
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Five ways to get mile high entertainment

Everyone loves taking a vacation. No matter if it’s a flight to Orlando or Hawaii, there is always something to look forward to…but getting there can be a bit boring. You have a myriad of options in getting in-flight entertainment, and personally, I enjoy knocking out a couple movies on my “to watch” list when I travel. Here are a couple of great ways to watch what you want, no matter where you are:
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Seen On Pinterest: Ten Great Recipes For #MeatlessMonday

Embrace "meatless Monday!" There's something about coming home after a long start to the workweek and really kicking off your healthy eating with a flavorful meal that pays homage to all the great fresh foods your local grocer or market has to offer. It's far to easy to bake a chicken or grill a pork chop and pair it with a starch and a salad -- and of course, we mean #nodisrespect to the butcher. But #MeatlessMonday gives us a chance to do more, to expand our culinary horizons, and to ditch the salads and misconceptions of vegetarian and vegan culture that their food is anything but hearty, hale and wholly fulfilling.
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Is your cell phone causing “tech neck” wrinkles?

Having the latest gadgets may make us feel good but they are apparently giving us a "tech neck." In an age of constantly looking down to our hand-held screens, a new sign of aging is emerging. Clinicians are now noticing that this constant head-down posture is creating creases that ring around patient's necks. This new skin furrow has become the modern sign of aging, but there may be ways to help avoid it.
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St. Patty’s Day Movie Suggestions

It’s March! Almost time for spring! That means… well, that means the ground will be sloppy with melting snow and mud, the molds and mess of winter all showing up. Not a great time to spend outside, so why not enjoy a nice movie at your place? Adding to that argument is March is the end of the “movie dump season,” where studios typically show movies that they no longer expect much profit from. Since you’ll have to wait for summer blockbusters and Oscar movies typically happen in the fall and winter, why not stay in and get your St. Patty’s Day celebrating started with one of these movies?
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