Author: Missy Kellor

A love affair with Countdown to Christmas: a confession and advice

Are you one of those who laughs at those of us Hallmark movie watchers? If you are, but you enjoy romance, romcoms, Disney movies, or Nora Roberts books, keep reading—I might just convince you to give one a try. Or if you’ve ever been curious but don’t know where to start, I can help there too. Find out what to watch, what to avoid, and what's coming in this season's batch of Hallmark Christmas movies.
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Facebook hoaxes and scams

Admit it, you’ve seen Facebook posts and wondered if they’re true. We're not talking about probably-Photoshopped photos or memes that make you go “hmmmmmmm.” We mean those posts about giveaways, privacy notices, contests, and more. Are they legit? The hard part is, some are and some aren’t, so the trick is to know the difference. We break down what posts you shouldn't worry about (the hoaxes) and the ones you should (the scams).
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Weekly tech news roundup for October 14

This week check out: the new Fitbit Flex 2, a former Indigogo project coming to market by December, a new Tile to help you find your stuff, plus a new Nike+ tracker/watch. Also find out about Amazon's new music service and BMW's new concept motorcycle that's like nothing you've ever seen. As an added bonus? Watch the Rogue One trailer.
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Weekly tech news roundup for September 30

Your quick, one-stop shop for tech news includes: Apple to get new digs in London, an Indigogo to enhance your favorite building bricks, Elon Musk's plans to get humans to Mars, and some creative kidney stone research you've got read to believe. Also, be on the lookout for some new emergency messages on your mobile devices, some Doctor Strange news, and find out about two new (cheap!) streaming devices.
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Weekly tech news roundup for September 23

Yahoo makes history with possibly the biggest data breach ever, the government tries to get in front of self-driving cars, and Google has just made being a tourist that much easier. Also, you can now buy cheap photo prints from Amazon (maybe) and Mark Zuckerberg and his wife announced a jaw-dropping charitable initiative.
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Weekly tech news roundup for September 16

Pokémon Go adds the buddy system "plus" more, Apple users can now use Cardboard, Samsung has a work-around for their Note 7 batteries exploding, and check out Chevy's new Bolt—the car that some are saying might beat Tesla at it's own game. And, check out some hidden features in your favorite mobile operating system, and find out what reviewers are saying about the iPhone 7 and Dyson's $400 hair dryer.
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Weekly tech news roundup for September 9

Apple's jack-less phones mean people—and technology—must adapt, there's a new Kickstarter that lets you answer and talk on your phone without having your phone in your hand, and Sony revealed new PlayStation gear. All this, plus Adroid set-top box rumors, red refrigerators, bitcoin safety, and even how to pick the best checkout lane.
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