There are 42 new Hallmark Christmas movies in 2023—yes, 42. Only the rare few will manage to catch them all, but whether you’re forced to watch a few or try to enjoy them all, Hallmark bingo is for you!

This is our seventh year making a fresh batch of cards that capture the current holiday movie tropes and refine on the cards of the past. Here’s what’s new on this year’s cards:

  • Picks out tree. How did we miss this in previous years? It’s such a ubiquitous scene but yet we can’t remember having it on the cards in the past.
  • Works on computer. We shudder to think about how many movies have the main characters working—usually on a tight deadline, to get a promotion, or save a business, of course.
  • Lighthouse or boat. In past years there have been a few movies with boat parades, and this year has two movies featuring light houses. It was time to add this!
  • Exotic location. There are multiple movies both this year that take place across the pond—Heidelberg, London, Scotland, Vienna and Norway, to name a few. Feel free to include made-up European countries (we’re looking at you, A Not So Royal Christmas, A Christmas Carousel, A Crown for Christmas, A Princess for Christmas, A Royal Corgi Christmas).
  • Scene at an airport. Again, so common it somehow got overlooked, but whether people are arriving, catching a plane, or trying to find the love of their life, main characters are often at an airport.
  • If our characters aren’t in an airport, they’re often traveling by car (or in the case of one movie this year, a passenger van) and have luggage to shove in the back or pull behind them after they arrive.
  • Cooking scene. Beyond baking, there’s lots of cooking scenes and they deserve their own bingo square.
  • Family dinner. It was tempting to just add the word “turkey,” but we decided to be more inclusive (but reserve our right to change our mind next year 😊).
  • Snow fun. We decided having separate squares for snowball fights, building a snow man, making snow angels, or sledding, was too limiting. We’ve combined them into one category to increase your odds of getting a bingo.
  • Pretty presents. Rather than opening gifts or wrapping gifts, we dialed it back to a more general category.

This year we’re giving you seven new cards and, as in previous years, there’s a number on each one (this time on the top ribbon) to prevent any duplication on the same round. And if you need more than seven cards we’ve got you covered! Check out alllllll of the ones from previous years:

If Hallmark or Hallmark Movies & Mysteries are not included in your TDS TV+ channel lineup, give us a call (1-888-CALL-TDS) or head to to upgrade. Hot tip: The bingo cards also work for Great American Family movies and there’s a free preview until the end of December!

One Comment

  1. Love your article…thanks for sharing all your hard fun…I mean “work!” 😉Hope to visit some of the cool locations you found…sweet about the BC sites. I always wanted to go there, so now I have even more incentive thanks to you! Happy Hallmark Holidays from a fellow Madisonian. 😁

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