Five tips to start the new year off right

The start of 2025 is a great opportunity to reset, refocus, and prepare for success.

Alert! Email phishing scheme hitting inboxes

Always think twice about account threats, don’t click links, and make sure the “from” email address matches the sender’s name.

TDS Whole Home Wi-Fi: A better way to stay connected

It’s time to say goodbye to Wi-Fi dead zones and hello to seamless connectivity.

TDS holds Week of Giving campaign

From supporting STEM learning opportunities to volunteering at local food banks, TDS associates held roughly 100 philanthropic activities during the third annual Week of Giving.

Top tech gifts this holiday season 

Need last-minute ideas for the tech lover in your life? Here are five gadgets that are sure to impress this year.

Welcome to the TDS Connect Blog

Learn how TDS can keep you connected in the home and at the office with Internet, TV, TDS Fiber, DVR and phone services and solutions.


Is telecommuting right for you?

As the world population, technology (like TDS’ managedIP Hosted), and telecommunication industry continues to increase, the paradigm shift for a more flexible work environment only makes sense. Often times it’s per request of the employee. Other times it is the […]

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Weekly tech news roundup for June 27

This week’s tech news includes: cardboard is the biggest hit at Google’s I/O developer’s conference, Heartbleed is still out there, and Nest is opening its platform to outside companies (and they just bought Dropcam too). Also competing for the smart home business is a new company called Wink, but if that doesn’t get you excited how about an offer to pay $650 for your MacBook Air? (as long as you get a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 instead). Bigger iPhones are coming and new, cheaper, iPods are here now. A pioneering TV service just got got a Supreme Court smackdown, and just for fun, check out a Jerry Seinfeld video about tech etiquette.

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Log in, load, enjoy. Anywhere.

TDS TV is now available anywhere. I didn’t get a chance to test the new content, so naturally I was excited to dive in this week to see what all the fuss was about.

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Meet Darrel M., Volunteer of the Quarter

TDS celebrates their employee volunteers by awarding one special winner the honor of being named Volunteer of the Quarter. Meet Darrel, who gives his time to multiple organizations including Second Harvest Foodbank, Meals on Wheels, Henry Vilas Zoo, and more.

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Weekly tech news roundup for June 20

Get the tech news highlights for the week in one quick read! Get the details on Amazon’s first smartphone, plus find out about: a “bionic pancreas” for diabetes sufferers, the new price for the Nest Protect, the just-introduced cheaper iMac, and the new Garmin golfing wearable. And, just for fun, check out the Never Ending Slinky Machine and a really cool audio illusion.

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Investing in our communities

It’s our mission to create a better world by providing high-quality communication services—connecting people and businesses, supporting education, and strengthening communities. We started with a handful of telephone companies in small and rural communities; today we’re a rapidly growing technology company with 1.2 million residential and business connections.

In addition to serving customers, TDS takes a vested interest in the growth and success of our communities. From hands-on volunteering to in-kind and direct financial support, we believe in giving back. In fact, community involvement is so imperative to our core beliefs that TDS has a “Be Good Citizens” program, which provides our associates with 16 hours of paid volunteer time every year.

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