Planned TDS service outages in Ruidoso, New Mexico overnight Jan. 15-16

Ruidoso-area customers: As part of our overall infrastructure restoration, TDS technicians must complete fiber splicing work to finalize connections to our new permanent equipment hub. This may result in a brief interruption of your TDS services in the overnight hours starting tonight. TDS will perform the necessary maintenance overnight January […]

Don’t click that link! Beware of text message scams

Text message scams are now one of the top ways fraudsters steal personal information, with over $10 billion obtained from victims.

Five tips to start the new year off right

The start of 2025 is a great opportunity to reset, refocus, and prepare for success.

Alert! Email phishing scheme hitting inboxes

Always think twice about account threats, don’t click links, and make sure the “from” email address matches the sender’s name.

TDS Whole Home Wi-Fi: A better way to stay connected

It’s time to say goodbye to Wi-Fi dead zones and hello to seamless connectivity.

Welcome to the TDS Connect Blog

Learn how TDS can keep you connected in the home and at the office with Internet, TV, TDS Fiber, DVR and phone services and solutions.

Weekly tech news roundup for October 10

This week: Tesla unveils an amazing new car with auto-pilot features, HP splits in two, and Snapchat has been hacked (big time). In other news, Apple Pay is coming soon — really soon, but you should also check out a cool all-in-one credit card coming next year (it appears to be way better than Coin). And believe it or not, there’s a big change coming to yard tool technology and, if you need a chuckle, be sure to check out some age prediction software that has produced some hilarious results.

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On-Screen Voice Mail

Technology keeps changing to make our lives easier. Being able to check messages through the TV is just another small thing to enhance your home communication experience. And when things like this keep getting added, and for free, life just keeps getting better.

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Falling back into your school routine?

The days of pens and crayons have been replaced by laptops, tablets, and smart phones. But what happens when they stop working correctly? It’s easy to be shaken when your devices suddenly start misbehaving—especially if you’re scared about losing important files. There are three things you can do to help keep your electronics running smoothly…and avoid that sinking feeling you’ve lost hours of work.

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Cheap Tunes Tuesday: Radiohead

OK Computer came out in May of 1997, and if you were a fan of Radiohead before this record, you probably picked it up on that spring day, put it in the CD player…and wondered what in the heck you just heard. The album was a strong departure from their previous efforts but the result is one of the best collections of songs in history—and it’s today’s feature on Cheap Tunes Tuesday.

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Seen on Pinterest: Creative (and mostly DIY) Costumes for Any Age

Don’t get caught up in long lines at the party supply store this Halloween. Instead, take a DIY turn this season and try some of these creative costumes for any age. This week’s Seen on Pinterest lets you explore everything from the must-have looks from Frozen to creative couples costumes that won’t break the bank.

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Investing in our communities

It’s our mission to create a better world by providing high-quality communication services—connecting people and businesses, supporting education, and strengthening communities. We started with a handful of telephone companies in small and rural communities; today we’re a rapidly growing technology company with 1.2 million residential and business connections.

In addition to serving customers, TDS takes a vested interest in the growth and success of our communities. From hands-on volunteering to in-kind and direct financial support, we believe in giving back. In fact, community involvement is so imperative to our core beliefs that TDS has a “Be Good Citizens” program, which provides our associates with 16 hours of paid volunteer time every year.

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