Elevating women in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields (STEM) takes more than encouragement and support. It also takes everyone tackling and facing some uncomfortable truths.

For example, here’s one: Despite that women were early pioneers in computing, today, 73% of people in the field are men.

Here’s another: The number of women in STEM was actually growing through the 1960s … until specific
decisions and actions by men in computing discouraged women and pushed them out of the field.

Yes, for real.

You’ll learn this and lots more when you make a little bit of time to watch the videos TDS’ Women in Technology Employee Resource Group encouraged all employees to watch.

“If we don’t address some of our historic failings, we’re doomed to repeat them,” says Amy O., senior analyst – Software Testing. “Watching these videos and talking to each other about them, it creates a safe way to start having conversations about these challenging topics and help open opportunities for change.”

Dave Dudsak, vice president of Service Assurance and the executive sponsor of the Women in Technology Employee Resource Group, wholeheartedly agrees.

“It’s all of our jobs, not just the women in the ERG, it’s men like myself and my peers that have to share these messages and let everyone know about these inequities because knowledge is key,” he says.

Please, take a moment to watch—and since so many of us are working at home, maybe grab your families and watch together. Any of the videos could start a great conversation about equity and how we can all be part of the solution to create opportunities for those who have been denied them.

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