With only ten new episodes a year, Game of Thrones can leave even the casual fan wanting more. Luckily, the world of Westeros expands far, far, far beyond the TV show. Here are 11 easy ways to get your Thrones on:

GOT books from George Martin

  1. The books: The most obvious way to get more Thrones is to tackle author George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, the series on which the shows are based. (Image from George R.R. Martin’s website)
  2. Recap Shows: Starting this season, HBO will air a Game of Thrones recap show, After the Thrones, hosted by writers from the late, much lamented, Grantland website.
  3. Websites: One of the best websites to get Game of Thrones news, reviews, and more is Watchers On The Wall. They’ve been covering the Thrones since 2008 (keep in mind that the show didn’t air until 2011!).
  4. Communities: Want to talk to other Game of Thrones fans? Consider joining one of the major Reddit communities devoted to either the show and/or the books.
  5. Podcasts: Listen to your fellow fans’ take on the show on podcasts like Cast of Thrones, Game of Owns, Fire & Lunch, Close The Door And Come Here, and A Podcast of Ice & Fire.
  6. Cons: If it’s not enough to watch the show, read about the show, talk about the show and listen to other people talk about the show, you could join fellow fans and cosplay as one of your favorite characters at one of the many fan conventions around the world.GOT game
  7. Video Games: Telltale Games has produced several episodes of an acclaimed Game of Thrones video game to tide you over in between seasons.
  8. RPG: If you’re into more traditional roleplaying games, you’re in luck, as there’s also a Game of Thrones tabletop game!
  9. Food: Need recipes for your Game of Thrones party? Be your own Hot Pie and explore the Inn at the Crossroads food blog and dig into some honeyed chicken and lemon cakes.
  10. Art: The Game of Thrones fandom is filled with talented artists. Check out some of their work at the Gallery of Thrones on Tumblr.
  11. Music: Finally, to set the mood before Sunday’s premiere, listen to Ramin Diawadi‘s amazing score. If that’s not enough to rally the realm, nothing is!


Guest BloggerKris Prusynski

Kris works on the Internet Marketing team at TDS Telecom and helps TDS Marketing teams achieve their online objectives through digital marketing and website optimization. She has worked in the digital marketing space for over 10 years, in product categories as diverse as shoes, banking, beds and pig farming supplies (really!). Kris has both undergraduate degrees and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and therefore bleeds Badger red. She’s a veteran blogger on topics ranging from digital marketing to Wisconsin fish frys to the sweet necessity of ugly office sweaters. Nowadays, you’re more likely to find her on Twitter or Google+ expounding on the virtues of Homeland and Aaron Rodgers. In her spare time, you can find Kris kayaking or attempting to play her guitar.

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