Author: Kris Schulz

Alternate Christmas movies for your holiday enjoyment

Everyone has their favorite movies to watch during the Christmas season. Some classics include It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, and more recently, Elf. And who can forget A Christmas Story, a standard for my family – especially since it is played 24 hours straight. But have you ever thought about introducing some alternate Christmas movies into your holiday viewing? TDS employee and award-winning movie director, Kris, has some suggestions.
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Wait, who does what now? Part 2

In a previous blog, I explained some of the production roles on a movie. With this post, we will explore a few more. Today, let’s focus on some key film production positions you may not know a lot about: Production Assistant (or PA), Assistant Director (or AD), Script Supervisor, and Foley Artist.
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Three movies to watch this winter

Now before you start thinking winter is nothing but a cold, white, and depressing season, remember there are some great things to watch when you are locked away in your warm house. Here are some of my favorite movies to watch—some that you may not have heard of before.
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Wait, who does what now?

In my previous blog, I shared some of the history and use of the slate in movies – something that, while used in many movies, people didn’t seem to know why. Today, I’d like to take a look at a few roles that you may have seen in the credits but had no idea what that role was all about.
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