Knowing how important this channel is to you, we worked with Hearst to reach an agreement to continue offering WMUR-ABC in New Hampshire (and its affiliated stations WMUR-MeTV on channel 10).

The vast majority of our customers choose WMUR (Channel 9) as their primary ABC channel for local news and network programming. As part of our agreement, WCVB-ABC on channel 5 will no longer be available as of 5 p.m. on January 5. However, Boston news will remain available on WBZ (CBS), WBTS (NBC), and WFXT (FOX).

Please be sure to update any recordings you may have scheduled on your DVR to reflect the channel lineup change.

Thank you for your patience during this negotiation, and thank you for being a TDS customer.




  1. WCBV Chronicle is one of the best shows on TV. I also like Boston news and WCVB is a quality station. This is a terrible mistake. I watch about 30 channels the rest are junk and you know it.

  2. This really sucks. I will watch ABC programming from WMUR if I have to but their news and weather team doesn’t compare to WCVB. Is deleting WCVB expected to be permanent? Or, just until some sort of agreement can be reached?

  3. We are extremely disappointed that I can no longer get WCVB- ABC. I watch that channel every day in the morning and evening. Being a border community we like to see the weather and status of the roads along with news from the state.

  4. While I am happy that WMUR will remain in the TDS lineup, I find it completely unacceptable for TDS to drop WCVB from the lineup. When I signed up for TDS cable, WCVB was part of the contractually obligated lineup. I view its removal as a violation of the contract I have with TDS. While WMUR is a fine local station, the TDS claim “The vast majority of our customers choose WMUR (Channel 9) as their primary ABC channel for local news and network programming.” is utter nonsense. Its all about maintaining the choices we signed up for.

  5. That’s great that you have WMUR, but are you still negotiating with Hearst for WCVB?

  6. Now I can’t watch GMA on the weekend! Local ABC news does not start at 4:30 like channel 5 does. I like to catch some news before I leave for work!

    • are there any other channels being removed? how did you come to the conclusion that majority liked wmur? I was not asked. were there any channels added to replace 5 and 10(me tv) cause my bill didn’t go down?

      • Hi Nancy. Based on viewership numbers, we determined that customers preferred WMUR by a wide margin. The majority of the content is the same on both stations and, given the rapidly rising broadcast fees, TDS can’t absorb the cost to distribute and pay for the same programming twice.

  7. It’s a serious miscalculation on your part to underestimate the loyalty of WCVB viewers in NH. The removal of this station is unacceptable to a great many of us as it is a major market news station that is superior to others in the Boston Metro area, and far superior for news and sports coverage to the small market ABC outlet, WMUR in Manchester, NH.

    We in some parts of NH have depended on WCVB for many years.

    Those of us with other options for TV coverage may have to start to rethink our selection of TDS as our carrier of choice if this issue cannot be readdressed and WCVB reinstated to the TDS lineup.

    If I were a newcomer to this town where we have a choice between Charter Cable and TDS TV and found out that TDS didn’t carry WCVB, I’d have no choice but to subscribe to Charter Cable. As it is, you’re now forcing me to make that choice once again, and unless your decision can be changed, I’m afraid TDS will lose.

    • It’s business and they’ve made their choice not to continue, but I agree with you Stewart and others here. We’ve already started research to move to Charter as we do watch and rely on WCVB.

  8. NH Loss of WCVB Channel 5…

    To all NH TDS customers here… please complete this simple form requesting Boston WCVB back. TDS is stating only 10% of viewers watched it versus WMUR, and also that the ABC programming is the same. Clearly smoke and mirrors.

    We we notified up front? Must have missed it.

    Also, in my opinion, we all should be seeing a decrease in pricing with the loss of channel(s).

    Unfortunately this has forced a look at other options.

  9. I agree with the others’ comments – this is a terrible mistake and we are very disappointed with this decision. We have watched and depended on WCVB channel 5 especially for our morning news programs for years. WMUR news stops at the Mass border (for the most part). Also this was a total surprise as we do not recall receiving any notification about this change. Time to look for another provider.

  10. WCVB is superior to WMUR. I vote to bring WCVB back and drop WMUR which most of us NH residents can receive through an antenna.

  11. I miss channel 5. It is my favorite Boston channel. YES bring it back.

  12. Any news on when we can expect to get channel 5 back?

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