Tag: TDS giving

TDS holiday giving

Giving back is an inherent part of TDS' company culture, and this is especially evident around the holidays. Employees from across our footprint helped make a difference by donating to various nonprofit organizations, supporting community events, and sponsoring people in need.
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How TDS is giving back

November is synonymous with Thanksgiving so it's a good month to discuss giving back—and boy do Americans love to give back! TDS is no exception. All year long we do things to help in our communities in ways both big and small. Feel the love and please do share what you do!
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Volunteer and give back

It’s National Volunteer Week! Volunteering is a great way to get involved with an organization whose mission is important to you. In fact, TDS employees are encouraged to volunteer in our communities—we even give each employee 16 hours of paid time off every year to get involved and give back. Find out more about our efforts and tell us how you give back.
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