Tag: Google Maps

Tech news roundup for July 1

Check out the hottest toy coming just in time for the holidays, find out how to get a smartphone on the cheap (warning: there's a catch), and there are quite a few updates about your favorite social media and mapping apps. Also, take a peek at a "shut up and take my money" Kickstarter for anyone who has ever done battle with a tape measure, and waste a few minutes today watching some really awesome and brain-bending Photoshop creations.
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Weekly tech news roundup for July 24

Blow your you mind and read about Crisper, a DNA editing technique that is changing the world. Also and find out about a new Google Maps feature that helps you take a walk down the memory lane of your travels, and learn what car was hacked remotely...and is now recalled. All this and more, in this week's tech news roundup.
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