Tag Archives | gift card scams

Asked to pay a bill with a gift card? Don’t.

If you’ve been asked to pay for something with a gift card, please note this is a scam. The scenario generally involves callers claiming to be from a Tech Support company, the IRS, a so-called family member or a friend-of-a-friend.  The caller demands the gift card numbers and PIN.
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Facebook hoaxes and scams

Admit it, you’ve seen Facebook posts and wondered if they’re true. We're not talking about probably-Photoshopped photos or memes that make you go “hmmmmmmm.” We mean those posts about giveaways, privacy notices, contests, and more. Are they legit? The hard part is, some are and some aren’t, so the trick is to know the difference. We break down what posts you shouldn't worry about (the hoaxes) and the ones you should (the scams).
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