Ready. The Cyber Monday hype is in full swing and smart shoppers are compiling data to find the season’s best deals for their list of ‘must haves’. Best product, best price, ready to shop.

Stop. The most important thing smart shoppers can do to prepare for obtaining those super-low, early-bird, deep discounts, along with offers of free shipping, is to review some basic online shopping tips.

Prepare your online devices.
Verify that the latest patches and updates have been applied to the system, web browser and antivirus software.

Next, smart shoppers prepare by with a few security steps from the experts.
1. Strenghten and Lengthen Passwords
2. Visit only reputable sites
3. Use Credit card not Debit
4. No unsecure Wi-Fi shopping
5. Do not give out your data for a deal!


Best practices, best product, best price. That’s all it takes to be a cyber-smart shopper.

Have a safe and happy shopping experience.

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