I don’t want to start off sounding like I’m trying to sell you something, but sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.

Do you shop online? Use online bill payment options or submit your tax forms electronically? If you said “yes” then strongly consider adding another layer of personal protection for your home computer. Yes, it might cost you a little bit of cash but it’s extra protection that will be well worth it should a hacker try to get your information and steal your bank account.

Think of it this way. Anti-virus software and firewalls provide an important layer of protection (sort of like the lock on your front door). However, just as the lock isn’t enough of a deterrent to keep burglars out, anti-virus software and firewalls are no longer enough to protect your computer from criminal hackers. That’s because hackers can disable up-to-date anti-virus software and make it look like it’s still working to protect you.

You need a security tool, such as Hacker Alert (which TDS sells). It watches for threats your anti-virus software may miss such as identity theft, cyber-crime, and key-logging. When it detects a threat, you are notified and then walked through the steps to remove it.

What makes Hacker Alert so impressive?

•Nothing needs to be installed or updated on your computer.
•Cannot be disabled by criminal hackers.
•It’s always on.
•Will not slow down your computer because it resides on the TDS network (not your computer).
•Automatic alerts are sent via email and/or text message when a threat is detected and guidance through the removal process.
•Just one subscription covers all computers and networked devices in the same location.

So, yes, I’m trying to convince you to buy Hacker Alert, did it work? Click here to get it.

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