OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEvery so often, problems come up, no matter what products or services you’re talking about. TDS TV hasn’t been immune to that during my 7 months of being a customer. My approach to any sort of issues has never been to focus on the issues themselves. Instead, my philosophy is to consider how quickly the provider has answered my questions, fixed the issues, or at the very least made an effort to solve the problem. So far, TDS has very much met my expectations with listening to issues that have come up and solving the problems.

My first issue was very minor. When I was installed, college football season was just about to begin last year. The second Wisconsin Badger home game was set to be on FX. While TDS TV had that channel in standard definition, frankly, watching that on a high def TV was less than eye pleasing. But here’s the thing—TDS TV lets you put in channel requests. While that doesn’t mean you’ll always get what you want, it’s nice to feel like I have a voice in what channels might be added. It’s something so simple made me a very happy customer (and, as it happens, TDS TV did add FXHD).

On the rare occasion, my service gets a little bit of a hiccup. Maybe the TV drops the signal. Maybe the internet stops working. Being a techy kind of guy, I can recognize that sometimes your hardware just needs to be restarted in order to get all the pieces back on the same page. With my previous provider, I would restart my modem probably once a week. So far with TDS TV, I’ve had to head down to my basement to restart my gateway maybe 3 times. That’s not bad.

Some things are just flat out beyond TDS’s control. I am testing a different set-top box and the manufacturer decided to put this incredibly obnoxious BRIGHT green light in there. This doesn’t seem like a big deal at first. Well, if you have a television connected in your bedroom, the glow could keep a light sleeper up at night. We have all been assured the manufacturer was notified and this green beacon-like light, that could bring a carrier ship to port, won’t be released in the next versions.

I’ve also learned sometimes I just need to be patient. I was really excited about on-screen caller ID–but it hadn’t rolled out in my area when I first got service. You’d think something so minute in detail wouldn’t make such an impact, but it does. Why get up to answer a telemarketing call? TDS promised me that it was coming, and it did.

TDS has been very quick and active to help with any problems I bring forth. They’ve also been proactive to tell us testers what could happen and fix it before a customer may even experience it. That’s an A+ service experience in my book.



  1. I don’t have caller ID yet even though its in the menu and I have TDS for my phone, internet and TV. I am also paying 20 more dollars a month than when I had dish network. I could also program my tv to record and watch tv when I was away from home with dish network

  2. Why do I get caller id sporadically and I hear from Verizon that it’s centurylink problem and centurylink.net problem. I have a couple of telephone /Verizon boxes/cables. No one knows for sure. I would like to no for sure what to do. I really would like to know what to do.

    • Pat, we’d encourage you to work with your service providers to troubleshoot with them further. Hopefully they can solve your caller ID problem.

    • Pat, unfortunately we can’t help troubleshoot another provider’s services. We’d encourage you to reach out to them again for help, perhaps requesting a senior advisor or repair tech who might have additional expertise.

  3. My tv keeps saying “No Signal Please check the input connection” I have tried unplugging everything and plugging it back in and nothing seems to be helping. Does anyone have a tip they can share?

    • Did you end up resolving your issue, Amy? If not, please do reach out to our repair team so they can troubleshoot with you. They can be reached at 1-888-225-5837.

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