Meet Austin
I have been a TDS employee for about nine years now. One of the most exciting things about working here is seeing all the new technology that has come out. Working for a broadband company is an easy way to make sure you stay up on the “latest and greatest” and most innovative products and services. If you’re a technology nut like me, anything that can save me a nanosecond during the day makes me smile. I also have a deep rooted passion for sports. Being able to watch every game for the teams I root for is essential. Sometimes I even save the game and watch it again later to give my analysis to friends and co-workers. Maybe I have too much time on my hands.

When TDS announced they were going to pilot their own television service (TDS TV), I couldn’t raise my hand fast enough to volunteer to test it out. Some of the features being talked about seemed really cool and it offers some features my other TV provider didn’t. I was super excited in August of 2012 when I got selected to trial TDS TV. And since I am a tech nut, being able to try something out before anyone else hears about it is especially fun.

It has been a really positive six months plus so far. I am happy and excited to share my experiences and all the things I find useful and enjoyable. I also can’t wait to test new TDS TV items as well. Whether it’s a new set-top box, interface, or channels, I’ll be testing them and providing my honest feedback to you.

Meet Eric
I was very excited when I was asked to be an internal tester for the TDSTV product…after all; it was a moment many years in the making! The TDSTV effort has been an internal vision for a long time, but as with all of our products, we wanted to make sure we were doing it right and to the highest quality for our customers. Being a TDS customer myself, I bugged everyone I knew that was working on the project for an estimated time when TDSTV would be launched in Dane County. When I got the word the trial was starting last August, I was stoked. When I was told I could get 50Mbps, I was ecstatic! I was confident I was going to love the service and all the bells and whistles that came with it. My only concern (and I’m sure I’m not alone), was quality. Just how crisp and clear and smooth was the picture going to be?

My concern was alleviated immediately. When my installation date was upon me, I was so excited, I very literally took the afternoon off so I could play…, I mean “test”. The experience blew me away. I thought the picture was clearer than any other service I’ve had (and I’ve had them all over time…..cable, DISH, DirecTV). The quality was superb. Now, that’s not to say there weren’t some bumps at first. I did experience a little pixilation at times and there were a few instances of my set top boxes being cranky. However, one of the great things about TDS is we really want to know EVERYTHING that is wrong during the trial period so we can fix it before rolling it. The service was great to start, but it has only gotten better and better. And I look forward to telling you all about it and giving you more insight from the inside.
Happy watching,

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