TDS’ Green Associate Resource Group (ARG) is inviting everyone to give Plastic Free July a try. This global movement was started back in 2011 by the Plastic Free Foundation. They offer their own online challenge, but the Green ARG thought it would be fun to take the idea and make it into game—bingo, to be exact.

Don’t be intimidated by the name—you can also think of it as Plastic Reduction July or Plastic Conscious July. The important thing is to become more aware of ways you can reduce (and find alternatives for) single-use plastic at home, school, and work. The goal isn’t to shame, but to inspire small changes that collectively can have a huge impact.

There are two card options. Level 1 isn’t as challenging as Level 2, but both are doable for everyone! Take a peek—you may already be doing some of these things, but you’ll probably find quick and easy ideas to do even more.

Consider posting your card in a central location where everyone in your house can mark off squares as you go (or better yet, keep it digital and save the paper!). When you get bingo on one card, maybe give the second a try!





















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