dance1So, it’s March. How are those New Year’s resolutions going? I don’t know about you, but I struggle to keep momentum going on an exercise resolution. You too? I start out strong but then peter out. Maybe I just haven’t found the perfect type of exercise for me.

I don’t like treadmills because I think they’re boring. I have a friend who swears by TRX Suspension Training, but I keep picturing myself all tangled up. The Insanity Workout just seems, well, insane. But then I saw a video about “dance walking.”

Check it out: It’s admittedly a rather silly way to exercise, but you know, it’s not a completely horrible idea. It would, if nothing else, be sure to get some conversations started around your office or neighborhood!

Want to see more about the guy who started this new viral craze? Check out the follow-up video:

What do you think? Could you do it? For me, Dance Walking does hit many of these 10 ways to make exercise more fun, so maybe I should really give it a try, if around my house if nowhere else (now THAT would give my kids something to talk about!).dance2

I’ve decided that even if I don’t have the guts to throw caution to the wind and Dance Walk my way around the office or on the street, clearly I need to find a way to bring more joy into my workouts. If I do, I think I might be much better about getting them on my calendar. Here’s hoping you can find your own exercise joy!

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