Lenovo laptop owners: beware of pre-installed malware
Some Lenovo laptops sold between August and December may have a security vulnerability in the form of “adware” called Superfish. Superfish, according to Mashable, “breaks secure website connections and puts sensitive user data at risk.” The goal of Superfish is to find ads and view connection data that would normally not be allowed. Lenovo has now released instructions for removing the adware.

Microsoft Band user reviews: not as bad as the media says it is
When the Microsoft Band fitness tracker hit the market, critics rather universally panned it for its design. Reviewers called it “wildly uncomfortable” and an “ergonomic nightmare.” What do customer’s think though? Engadget summarizes user reviews which are, in general, much more favorable.

LG G watch_crpdLG’s G Watch gets a stylish upgrade
At its Mobile World Congress LG revealed an update to the G watch. It looks good! Now it has a metal case (rather than plastic). From the sounds of it, the functionality is basically the same, but looks prettier.

Apple cut many health features out of its Watch
When Apple set out to create the Apple Watch, apparently they had more plans than worked out in the end. Reportedly Apple ditched features related to tracking stress and blood pressure because they were too complex. They got rid of others because the sensors worked so inconsistently. No matter, Apple still plans on manufacturing 5-6 million for the April launch.

Pebble to launch new product on Tuesday
Rumor has it there will be a new watch that’s a little wider, color, and with an e-paper-like display…but it’ll be thinner than the current model. Also, it’ll have a new operating system. The official announcement is scheduled for Tuesday at 10am so next week I’ll fill you in, or watch 9to5mac.com who will surely be following the story.

baby glowing grootShut up and take my money: glowing baby Groot
I only saw this on Gizmodo (and couldn’t confirm anywhere else), but I’m hoping it’s true. Apparently Uncle Milton toys is going to be making a glowing Groot (from Guardians of the Galaxy). There will be embedded LEDs in the vine around baby Groot’s body. No word on pricing, but I’m hoping it happens. One will be mine!

MacBook Pro video problem? Apple will fix it for free
Fifteen or 17-inch MacBook pros sold between early 2011 and the end of 2013 have been plagued by video problems. Sometimes the video is corrupted, sometimes no video, and sometimes video will make the machines spontaneously reboot. Well, Apple now admits they need to fix them—even if they’re out of warranty. The repair program begins today.

ytkidsjt2YouTube app for kids rolling out on February 23
The free app called YouTube Kids will launch next Monday—but only for Android devices. The app simplifies the look of YouTube by stripping out the comments, helps keep kids from ending up with questionable content, and lets parents can set a time limit (the app can’t be started again without a password).

Apple Car rumored to roll out in 2020
This week the blogs were abuzz with news of Apple developing its own electric car. With a timeframe, according to Bloomberg, of selling cars in 5-7 years, they’ve got a lot of work to do. But, Apple does have a history of entering a market and improving on what’s out there. We’ll see if they can actually do the same with cars.

Super Mario gravity not scientifically possible
For some Friday fun, check out this story explaining the why Mario’s world violates what we know to be true about physics:


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