Apple Update

This week, Apple reported their earnings and it was much higher than Wall Street expectations. They hit $45 billion in sales for the June quarter, which is 7% higher than last year.

Relative to an iPhone release, people have been anticipating the release of a new device and are wondering what the new features will be. Now, the iPhone 8 is expected to come out this fall, as early as next month.

Retouching photos before they are taken?

Google and MIT have teamed up to create algorithms that will retouch photos BEFORE they are even taken. However, this project is still in the works and there are many logistics that need to be resolved before it is released. Two main objectives are making sure there is no lag time on the viewfinder and ensuring that the algorithms aren’t too big or else they will drain a phone battery. Even though this is still in development stages, this new concept is exciting and it could take phone cameras to a new level.

Giphy will start testing sponsored GIFs

Giphy, the popular website for animated graphic files, is set to start testing paid sponsorships. The addition of sponsorships won’t change the app in any large way, but it will help them generate more revenue. The change will let GIFs be promoted in searches. For examples, if I search “hangry” then a Snickers GIF may appear in my results as a way to connect with their advertising. We will have to wait and see how users will react to this upcoming change.


Paint is getting faded and Paint 3D is the replacement

Microsoft’s Paint has been a part of Windows since the original version in 1985, but it will be removed from all future releases. However, this doesn’t mean that Paint will be completely gone; instead, it will be available through the Windows Store. In addition, Paint 3D will continue to be available as a Microsoft app, which is similar to Paint, but with many new upgrades, including a 3D drawing feature.

Google has made their app even more personalized

Ever wonder what Google does with your search history? Well, some of that data is used to generate a personal feed for users. This is the new feature on the Google app and it creates a feed that includes things like the weather near you, your team’s sport scores, news of interest, and more. However, your entire search history will not be used to generate your feed; Google said they will not allow “sensitive” searches to be used on your feed—thanks, Google!

Amtrak and Lyft have partnered

Have you ever wished your travel experiences could be made easier? Well, Amtrak and Lyft have merged with hope that they will help improve the travel experience getting to and from an Amtrak station. This partnership will allow Amtrak app users to book a Lyft ride right from the Amtrak app and they will be giving $5 credits to new Lyft users for their first four rides.

Hyperloop Update

The Hyperloop has hit a milestone as they reached 192 mph in a test run last weekend. This test was much higher than their initial test in May, which only made it to 69 mph, so a lot of progress has been made. However, there is still a lot to be done, the company hopes to reach 250 mph for some of the tunnels and even as high as 500 mph in their planned Dubai Hyperloop.

Guest Blogger: Ann McGrail

Ann is a PR Intern at TDS Telecom and a Journalism and Communication Arts student at UW-Madison.

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