ahoy croppedI’ve featured some sneak peeks into other offices such as Pinterest and Houzz, but what about TDS? While most of our office space is not uniquely compelling (I’m sure our cubes look very much like everyone else’s :-)), we have some pretty cool artwork that is gradually appearing in our office buildings across the country.

The art features interesting facts about TDS, its history, and the telecommunications industry in general. For example, did you know:

    • LeRoy Carlson, the founder of TDS, once had lunch with Eleanor Roosevelt and Madame Curie
    • In 1970 68% of TDS customers were on party lines (that was the year after TDS was founded!)
    • We serve the Sock Capital of the World, Ft. Payne, Ala.

P1000588They say that physical space reflects the people who live there. If that’s the case, TDS’ artwork reflects our love of technology, our proud history, and our appreciation for our communities.

Some art is specific to location (e.g. the art in the Eagan, Minnesota office includes facts about TDS’ history there.) And some is inspired by the location where it hangs within the building (e.g. the art in a conference room near the regulatory department has a regulation theme). All of the art has a vibrant, cheerful color scheme and is a fresh take on traditional office decor (this was our interior designer Shannon Page’s idea—she’s also got ideas for your home office space :-)).

I’ve included a few pieces here, but you can check out more on our Flickr page.

The art is designed in-house by Cassandra Deavers, senior graphic designer, in partnership with Melissa Pierick, senior copywriter.

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