awesomeThe Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting shocked the world. In the wake of such an unspeakable event the TDS Telecommunications Corp. Training Team found itself asking, “What can we do to make a difference?” In looking for support, I came across an online campaign called “26 Acts of Kindness”. It was created not only as a way to give back to Newtown, but also as a way to impact communities around the world.

Using the hashtag #20acts, NBC’s Ann Curry was the first to act, taking to Twitter to ask the people to imagine what would happen if everyone was committed to committing 20 acts of kindness to each child lost in Newton.

Tens of thousands of people on Twitter and Facebook joined in and increased it to #26Acts to include the heroic teachers and administrators.

The TDS Training Team wanted to make a difference in our Repair Department and it looks like it made a difference for at least one recipient (of 100) letters delivered:

What can you do to make a difference? There are things you can do that cost money and things that are simply just time spent. Here are 26 ideas:

1. Help the victims of Newtown School Shooting
2. Donate used books to a library
3. Give care-packs to the homeless
4. Give the elderly the gift of music
5. Help a child learn
6. Help someone with yard work (or shoveling!)
7. Hold the door open for someone
8. Let someone go in line in front of you
9. Make blankets for the homeless
10. Mentor an at-risk child or teen
11. Pay for the tab for the person behind you
12. Read to a child
13. Return a shopping cart for someone else
14. Thank your police or fire department
15. Write a letter to someone who made a difference in your life
16. Visit an animal shelter
17. Pick up trash
18. Adopt a soldier
19. Be a designated driver
20. Be kind to someone you dislike
21. Send flowers
22. Collect canned food for a food bank
23. Cook a healthy meal for your family
24. Donate blood
25. Donate used clothing
26. Embrace your mistakes “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” ~John Powell

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