Author: Missy Kellor

In the spotlight: Kingfield, Maine

Kingfield, Maine, a community served by TDS Telecom, was once described as “the most beautifully preserved ski town east of Aspen” by Ski Magazine. It is the gateway to Sugarloaf Mountain and one of the best ski and golf resorts in the country—but that’s not all this small town has to offer.
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Weekly tech news roundup for July 18

This week: Unlimited ebooks from Amazon, 3D printers at Home Depot, and a widget that lets you message even if you're off the grid. Plus, watch a preview for a Star Wars fan film made in Minecraft, and check out the world's scariest Marine robot in action. Find out why Microsoft is cutting 15% of their workforce, take a peek at the world's blackest black, and read about a proposed Apple price-fixing settlement agreement.
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Weekly tech news roundup for July 11, 2014

This week: check out two very different Kickstarters—one for RocketSkates and one for...potato salad? Find out what DARPA means and what they're up to, check out a video featuring the new iPhone 6 sapphire crystal front panel (allegedly), and learn when Windows 7 support is ending. Also, learn about a new website the promises to help you find good things to watch on Netflix and watch the new Guardians of the Galaxy extended trailer.
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Weekly tech news roundup for July 4

You might have been Facebook's lab rat and not known—but there's a funny comic that might make you chuckle about the situation. You're in good company if you're still using Windows XP, there's a new 3D printer that uses plastic Coke bottles as "ink," and if you love beer you've gotta take a peek at the SYNEK Kickstarter. Also, researchers are one step closer to being able to 3D print organs, I found some tips for limping your iPhone along a little longer, and you have GOT to see this Game of Thrones 80s-style opener (even if you don't watch the show).
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Weekly tech news roundup for June 27

This week's tech news includes: cardboard is the biggest hit at Google's I/O developer's conference, Heartbleed is still out there, and Nest is opening its platform to outside companies (and they just bought Dropcam too). Also competing for the smart home business is a new company called Wink, but if that doesn't get you excited how about an offer to pay $650 for your MacBook Air? (as long as you get a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 instead). Bigger iPhones are coming and new, cheaper, iPods are here now. A pioneering TV service just got got a Supreme Court smackdown, and just for fun, check out a Jerry Seinfeld video about tech etiquette.
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Weekly tech news roundup for June 20

Get the tech news highlights for the week in one quick read! Get the details on Amazon's first smartphone, plus find out about: a "bionic pancreas" for diabetes sufferers, the new price for the Nest Protect, the just-introduced cheaper iMac, and the new Garmin golfing wearable. And, just for fun, check out the Never Ending Slinky Machine and a really cool audio illusion.
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Weekly tech news roundup for June 13

Ransomware makes an appearance on Android, Amazon introduces their music streaming service for Prime members, and Honeywell rolls out their take on a Nest-like thermostat (that does have quite a few cool features!). In fun tech news, check out videos of a dot-matrix printer "playing" Bach, a cup that can sense the fat and calories in what you're drinking, and take a peek at what might be the world's first home companion robot. Also, don't miss Martin De Pasquale's amazing Photoshop art!
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In the spotlight: Safety Leader CPR training helps one employee save her mother

TDS employees volunteer to be Safety Leaders in a few of our busiest office buildings. These employees learn a lot more than first aid—they recently received CPR and Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) training. They are officially ready to save lives and one Safety Leader already has! Read her story and find out how she saved the life of her own mother.
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Weekly tech news roundup for June 6

Apple's developer conference sets the web on fire with all the new things coming soon, and Google also unveils new designer frames for Google Glass. Xbox One comes out fighting and announces 45 new apps...and also admits the Kinect hurts the box's performance. Sony rolls out the "the world's slimmest smartphone" and Verizon is telling Netflix to shut up. For some Friday fun, check out some awesome Star Wars photos that recreate famous scenes from the movies...with Legos, a video featuring Neil deGrasse Tyson telling you what's scientifically incorrect about the movie "Gravity," and finally, watch teens react to a 90s Internet promo video (over
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Weekly tech news roundup for Friday, May 30

Star Trek's "universal translator" is almost (kind of) real with the introduction of Skype Translator. Also space age? Google's brand new, and super friendly looking, self-driving car—check out videos of both new products in action. Plus, find out how you can get a 3D printer for only $250 meant for home use, Amazon will soon be rolling out a streaming service, and watch the new roboraptor—what could be the fastest robot ever—in all it's terrifying action. Also, find out about a new quiet wind turbine that could give you half of your electricity for a year (with only a breeze), and learn why we should all be working at Twitch (especially on Fridays ;-) ).
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