Tag: volunteer

TDS employee traveling for a greater purpose

Giving back is an integral part of the culture at TDS, which is why the company created its Be Good Citizens program. This program provides employees with 16 hours of paid time off every year to volunteer. Recently, one TDS employee took this program beyond serving her local community and used her Be Good Citizens hours to volunteer in another country.
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TDS Volunteer Committee is dedicated to service

One of the benefits of working at TDS Telecom is the “Be Good Citizens” program, which allows eligible employees up to four paid volunteer hours per quarter. The Billing Operations (Bill Ops) department created a Volunteer Committee to arrange volunteer events to make this policy accessible to its employees. Now, it serves as an example for members of other departments to go out and use their own volunteer hours.
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TDS Volunteer of the Quarter

In May 2012, Aly Wolff, a friend of TDS Inc. staff accountant Jessica Hall, was diagnosed with a neuroendocrine tumor in her liver. Jessica and her friend—along with Aly’s friends and family, gathered together to brainstorm a way to help. The result? An annual charitable event.
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Volunteer and give back

It’s National Volunteer Week! Volunteering is a great way to get involved with an organization whose mission is important to you. In fact, TDS employees are encouraged to volunteer in our communities—we even give each employee 16 hours of paid time off every year to get involved and give back. Find out more about our efforts and tell us how you give back.
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