what-doesn't-kill-youWhen we looked back through our more recent Seen on Pinterest columns, we realized something. Pinterest is an inspiring tool for planning a party, discovering new recipes, or even finding a new craft. But what about Pinterest as a personal trainer? We’re edging closer and closer to spring break and summer (or at least shorts weather) and let’s face it, our tush and abs could use a little toning. So for this week’s Seen on Pinterest, we took to the interwebs to find some of the best at-home workouts, healthy snacks, and inspirational quotes around … and put them all in one place, just for you!

Don’t be shy, read on. 

exercise-quoteIt takes 21 days to make (or break) a habit. Search Pinterest for your inspirational mantra and post it on your fridge, bathroom mirror, or door.

cali-sandwichFueling your body for optimal performance is key. You lose weight by putting the right foods in your body, not by starving yourself.

treadmillSure, it’s hard to love going to the gym for the same old workout every day. We vary our exercise routines by weight lifting, doing yoga, spinning, and doing ballet barre classes. Test out these calorie burners at home for your cardio fix.

barreBut don’t forget strength – these toning exercises can help you tighten up the very spots you need to look and feel your best.


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