We have named Janesville, Wisconsin resident Tammy Brown, lead data analyst of Advanced Analytics, its Volunteer of the Quarter. Brown has been an active volunteer for the past 15 years for the American Cancer Society (ACS) and its Relay For Life events. She and her husband Tim led Relay For Life in Janesville, Wisconsin for eight years, which helped raise more than $500,000.

Brown not only ran Relay For Life events, she also has served on its planning committee and has fundraised for it for years. She also became involved in the nonpartisan lobbying affiliate of ACS, the ACS-Cancer Action Network (ACS-CAN). Brown was directly involved in the advocacy efforts for then-Vice President Joe Biden’s Moonshot Initiative, which led to the passage of the STAR Act (Survivorship, Treatment, Access, and Research). Her efforts earned her a STAR Act Advocacy Award from the ACS in 2018.

TDS IT Lead Data Analyst Heather Jarden nominated Brown for the award. “Much of her free time is sacrificed for the betterment of others in her work with charitable organizations,” said Jarden. “She is an inspiration and actively improving the lives of others.”

Brown also volunteers with Junior Achievement teaching elementary children financial literacy, gives her time to local elections in Janesville where she serves as a Chief Elections Inspector, and is highly involved in her church, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church.

“I don’t think I could ever not volunteer somewhere, doing something worthwhile because I can see the results of my efforts in the world around me, and know that I am making a difference,” said Brown.

“TDS would like to thank Brown for her commitment to serving others,” said Kit Beyer, director of External Affairs and Communications. “We are proud of our associates like Brown who selflessly give back to their communities.”

Volunteerism is part of the fabric at TDS and a company core value. TDS provides associates with 16 hours of paid time off every year to volunteer at a 501(c)(3) organization of their choice through its Be Good Citizens program. It recognizes its top volunteers every quarter.



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