The Internet has been really busy coming up with some clever, and often hilarious, jokes to celebrate the day.

Air bags for smartphone users by Volvo
This could sell BIG.


Google’s Smartbox mailbox zaps anyone trying to deliver junk mail
They’re calling it, “the mailbox of tomorrow, today.” Never too hot, nor too cold, and even helps weed out spam. (Is that Kelsey Grammar doing the voice over?)

Reverse Google
Just go to and check it out for yourself.

Selfie Shoes!
You’ve always wished they made them, now Miz Mooz has them.
selfie shoes
Steam-Powered Gaming Cabinet
It has a patent-pending miniature boiler mechanism and will run on any solid fuel so you can access your Steam account using steam!

Driverless Domino’s delivery vehicles
It’s “auto-nom-nom-nom-ous.”

Play Pac-Man using your neighborhood streets on Google Maps
A new Easter Egg revealed yesterday lets you play Pac-Man using real road maps instead of the standard maze. When you open GoogleMaps you will likely see an option in the lower left corner to play. And, if there aren’t enough roads in the area you look for, you can hit “I’m feeling lucky” and it’ll find a spot on a map to play. If for some reason you’re struggling to find Pac-Man, search for “times square”—apparently he’s there.

If you loved the Internet in 1999, today’s look is just for you!

Add your pet to your T-Mobile phone plan
Called Pets Un-leashed, you can “keep every member of your family connected—no matter how many legs they have.” And all for just $5.
Goggle Panda
What’s black and white and you can ask it anything (and hug it too!)? Google Panda! “It’s programed with emotional and conversational intelligence so all you have to do is ‘speak your mind.’”


Galaxy Blade: Chefs Edition
It’s a knife…but it’s also a phone. Never fear though, it has KNOX Security—when you scan your fingerprint the blade will retract before it can cut you.
galaxy slice
Honda’s new HR-V SLF (“selfie edition”)
The video says it all:

If you want even MORE Internet April Fools’ Day pranks, check out ZDNet and CNN—they’ve got running lists started.

Of course, if you’d like to do your own pranking but didn’t plan ahead, there’s still time. Buzzfeed has a list of 17 ways to mess with someone’s technology—some of which only take a minute or less if you can get on your coworker’s computer or have time to put a sticky note over their mouse sensor. Likewise, Digital Trends also has their own list, but many are a bit more involved. Still, I had no idea there was a broken screen app you could download.

Oh! And if you need non-mean ideas for your kids, we’ve got those right here.


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