With Thanksgiving just a few short days away, we asked our employees to share a few of their favorite recipes and traditions. Here were some of their responses:


For the past three years, one TDS employee has been collecting her co-workers’ secret family recipes around Thanksgiving. The deal is that you receive a copy of everyone else’s recipes if you contribute a recipe yourself. Here are a few of the recipes from last year:



“We have an annual pick-up basketball game—the old folks (aka me and my sisters) vs. the young kids. We used to win all the time…now, not so much.”

“We play Yahtzee every Thanksgiving. It was my husband’s grandmother’s favorite, so we play a game or two in her honor.”

“During the month of November, my family creates a Thankful Tree. The idea is to write what you are thankful for on a paper leaf each day and put it on the wall. At the end of the month, we look back on all the things we’re thankful for.”

“We recently updated the tradition of going around the table and everyone saying what they are most thankful for. Instead, everyone writes it down on a piece of paper and puts it into a jar. Then, we pass the jar around the table and everyone pulls one randomly. We each read aloud the one we pulled out and try to guess who wrote it. It’s a little more exciting than the previous tradition, and it helps my super-shy daughter express herself without the pressure of public speaking.”

“We have played Monopoly on Thanksgiving for many years. It’s my favorite part of the holiday because very generation comes together to play the game.”

“My family has tried to implement more conscious holiday celebration. A few years in a row we did decided to skip the turkey and donate to a farm sanctuary instead (this is a favorite tradition of my daughters!) We named our turkey and spent Thanksgiving giving thanks for the many potatoes that gave their life for us that year!”




Guest Blogger: August Braun

August is a Communications Intern at TDS Telecom and a journalism student at UW-Madison.

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