TDS Telecommunications LLC (TDS®) is pleased to announce it has elected to receive Enhanced Alternative Connect America Cost Model (E-ACAM) support from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). TDS has communicated to the FCC it will accept its offers in 24 states TDS serves. The federal broadband program, which is being extended and enhanced to provide additional funding for rural broadband, requires the deployment of at least 100/20 Mbps internet service to consumers who lack that service today.

“It is a landmark day for TDS and our customers. With this program, TDS and the federal government are ensuring quality, high-speed internet in our rural service areas,” said TDS Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs Drew Petersen. “We are grateful for the support from Chairwoman Rosenworcel and all the commissioners. Together we are taking a crucial step forward in closing the digital divide in America.”

The Madison, Wisconsin-based telecommunications company has been part of the A-CAM program since its inception in 2016. The extended program requires TDS to deploy high-speed internet to more than 270,000 locations with about 40 percent of unserved addresses not receiving federal support. The E-ACAM program supports TDS’ ability to make long-term investments to improve rural broadband by providing predictable support over 15 years while aligning network deployment requirements with the federal Broadband Equity Access & Deployment (BEAD) program.

“TDS looks forward to improving broadband in our communities and assisting states in their efforts to prevent duplicate broadband funding from federal programs,” said Petersen.

For the last two years, TDS has been advocating in support of enhancing the ACAM program as a member of the ACAM Broadband Coalition and appreciates the continued support from NTCA – The Rural Broadband Association and WTA – Advocates for Rural Broadband.

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