Image: American Red Cross
Image: American Red Cross

Did you know one blood donation will help save three people’s lives? Last year, the 112 TDS employees who are members of the Madison area American Red Cross’ One-A-Week (OAW) Blood Donor Club donated a total of 361 pints of blood—helping to save nearly 1,100 lives.

Randy Thomson, senior network specialist and the TDS OAW coordinator for the past 25 years, makes regular blood and platelet donations. Over the years, Randy has donated the equivalent of 51 gallons of blood, potentially saving about 1224 lives!

He said, “Many people cannot donate so I feel privileged just to be able to give blood and, in a sense, feel obligated to help as much as I can, while I can. As club coordinator, I get very excited when I see other folks donate and start to realize their own, life-saving experiences. I am proud of the collective efforts of all the TDS OAW club members over the years. It’s yet another way we continue to help others in need.”

The TDS OAW Blood Donor Club is one of more than 190 of such clubs in the Madison, Wis. area. The clubs play a vital role in helping the local American Red Cross chapter maintain adequate blood supply levels in the community. For each club, the collective goal is to donate a minimum of 52 pints per calendar year.

Even if you don’t have the opportunity to participate in a one-a-week club, remember this: every single donation, no matter where you live, is important and each individual gift carries the power to save someone’s life.

For a donation location near you, visit the American Red Cross website.

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