P1000734TDS employees share a common goal to give back to the communities we serve. At no time during the year is this more evident than at the holidays. Employees all over the country are chipping in, donating, and helping to make a difference.

In the Madison, Wis. area, employees are filling up the bins with food for Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin. So far three barrels have been filled, sorted and picked up by Second Harvest. The remaining boxes, bags, and barrels of food will be dropped off later this week. But our efforts don’t stop there.

In Arizona, employees at OneNeck IT Services are getting in the spirit. They hosted a toy drive and donated them to UMOM, the largest homeless shelter in Arizona. The employees also collected blankets, coats and food filling two large boxes for the Phoenix Rescue Mission and Family Promise.

In Minnesota, VISI employees do a Secret Santa gift exchange with a twist. VISI employees draw a colleague’s name and then purchase a toy for them based on what they think that employee would have like as a child. Over lunch, the gifts are exchanged and unwrapped generating lots of laughs as each person explains why they believed that was the toy the employee desired. Then, all the toys are loaded up and delivered to Toys for Tots. Great team building and all the gifts help those in need have a brighter holiday.

P1000756Porchlight Angels (a.k.a. TDS employees) donated gifts and food to help nearly 40 families and individuals have a happy holiday. It’s the fourth year employees volunteered to be Angels for the Dane County agency. Porchlight, Inc. focuses on providing a helping hand — not a handout. The agency offers emergency shelter, food, employment services, counseling, and affordable transitional and permanent housing to homeless people.

In addition to gifts for the Christmas holiday, Porchlight Angels also donated about 200 pounds of turkey and 44 pounds of ham for the Thanksgiving.

According to Carrie Schuettpelz, coordinator of Porchlight Angels, “TDS and their employees really make our Porchlight Angels program a success. Their support and generosity help bring joy to so many who, otherwise, may not receive anything during the holidays.”

Watch for more giving stories to come!

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