Team USA was created by USA Triathlon to be a team of age group/amateurs who will best represent the United States and compete in the ITU world championship, which attracts the best athletes representing over 50 countries each year. The race includes a 1000m swim, 26K bike race and an 11K run. A race is won by the athlete who has the shortest time from the start signal to the moment when the athlete finishes the race.
How did someone from a little country town get into triathlons? It all started on a whim.
“My first one was in Memphis in September 2010,” recalled Moore. “It was one of the lists of something to do and I thought it would be cool.”
The idea really started after Moore saw a video of a man and son in a wheelchair. The video was about Team Hoyt. A father and son (Dick, 73, and Rick, 51) Hoyt from Massachusetts have competed together in various athletic endeavors since 1977, including marathons and triathlons. Rick has cerebral palsy and during competition Dick pulls Rick in a special boat with a rope attached to his body as they swim, carries him in a special seat in the front of a bicycle, and pushes him in a special wheelchair as they run.
Moore’s daughter, Rylee, was born with I-Cell disease, a rare inherited metabolic disorder which left her unable to walk and develop normally. He says after watching the video this gave him an outlet to get his mind off of sickness and off of limitations.
“I didn’t start it for fun,” maintains Moore. “I was touched by the video more than anything.”
In his first triathlon, he finished third and he contends he didn’t have a clue what he was doing.
“It was just out of determination and nothing but that,” says Moore. “I still remember swimming, turning my head and reaching out and breathing like we always did growing up on the river. Now I laugh at that, because that’s not how you swim.”
“I knew just enough to be dangerous,” continued Moore. “One race, it was sweltering hot. I knew I needed salt and water and I took so much I was literally sweating salt. Solid salt crystals covered my body. My suit was white. I had over hydrated and it made me sick as a dog, but I finished the race.”
Photo: Parsons News Leader
The next year, tragedy struck the family when his young daughter, age 8, died and he really needed a distraction from the pain and loss.
“I really needed an outlet,” confessed Moore. “Something I could do and be inspired and it has escalated rapidly from there!”
“It’s inspiring for the simple fact that it’s not fun, but rewarding,” Moore states. “It’s a lot of hard work, pain, agony and the results are better health and defying human nature. We’re created by design. If it hurts you quit. It it’s hot, don’t touch. With triathlon, when it hurts, you push harder. When it’s hot, you go on. When you’re tired, you keep going. It sounds crazy. Three years ago, I’d said the same thing. Human nature can change. It’s doesn’t mean it is easy.”
Another rewarding part is just knowing that his other two children, Brady and Kara, are able to see what determination is.
“I want that to be an attribute in whatever they do when they grow up,” Moore said. “I want them to give it all they’ve got and I want them to understand what it takes to be successful.”
Excerpt of original July 24, 2013 article reprinted with permission of the Parsons News Leader
Note from Missy Kellor: When I spoke with Brad about this news piece, I mentioned David Althoff and his upcoming Ironman event. Brad commented that while the Ironman is rewarding, it’s “just grueling to do,” especially if you’re trying to complete it fast. Instead, Brad competes in regular triathlons, mountain bike racing, and duathons. He plans to do the ITU Nationals in Arizona, followed by the World Championship in Germany and also the Duathon World Championships in Spain. You can visit his webpage at to read more about his efforts.