art cart 2In Dane County, Wis. summer doesn’t just mean warmer weather. It also means a return of the Art Cart, a long-running mobile art program for children and families. TDS is helping to sponsor this popular program this year.

The Art Cart serves over 4,000 Dane County children and families each summer with free, outdoor hands-on art workshops. Every weekday, from June 20 to August 15, the Art Cart stops at two locations per day to provide plenty of opportunities to participate. The Madison Museum of Contemporary Art’s website has this year’s schedule.

artcart 1Art Cart teachers present several projects at each session. Past art projects have included fingerprint cartoons, pendulum-swing painting, Calder-inspired mobiles, kite making, bubble wands, stick murals, finger puppets, windsocks, faux stained glass, and plaster sand-casting.

The program was developed by the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art in partnership with Madison School & Community Recreation. This summer will mark the program’s 38th year serving Dane County.

We hope that if you live in the area you take advantage of this fun program. Even if you don’t, we hope that you will create some fantastic and fun art this summer with your kids. Need some inspiration? Check out the First Palette website for a bunch of fun ideas. Of course, there’s always Pinterest for plenty of creative ideas (but keep your expectations real as I advised here).

Be sure to tell us about your summer projects (and any Pinstrosities :-))!

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