The install dates for TDS Fiber in many Sun Prairie, Wis. neighborhoods are moving up!

And when we say “moving up,” we mean it. You’ll be able to enjoy TDS Fiber weeks—and in some cases months—earlier than we originally expected.

We’re thrilled too. We added resources to make it happen quickly and also discovered many areas would be easier to connect than we first anticipated.

However, with the timeline changing, this means you need to do two things:

  • Check your neighborhood’s threshold date ASAP. Head to to see if your neighborhood’s date has changed. You may not have as much time as you think to register.
  • Register (if you haven’t already). Not only will you get amazing internet speeds, you’ll get offers latecomers can’t. Make it happen today going to .

Once you’re registered, you’ll be contacted about placing your order and scheduling your TDS Fiber install when the time is right. Installations will begin in September for the first four neighborhoods. Speaking of neighborhoods, we should also mention:  14 out of 25 neighborhoods have met goal!

Nice job, Sun Prairie! Keep it going so we can bring you the best fiber services around.


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