phone illustration talk bubble cp smThirty-two percent of cell phone owners do some pretty crazy things to improve their cell phone signal when trying to make a phone call indoors. These include:

    • Heading outside (16%)
    • Standing like a statue (7%)
    • Making a run for the window (6%)
    • Moving like a ninja (2%)
    • Posing like a Yogi (1%)
    • Talking in the garage (1%)
    • Making Matrix moves (1%)

These were actual results of a December 2014 Harris Poll commissioned by zBoost.

We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you use a landline you won’t have to do any of these things in order to make a call. Your landline phone reception is clear no matter what you’re doing—or not doing—because it’s a hardwired connection. No, “Can you hear me now?” is required.

For more information about TDS Phone Service, visit


One Comment

  1. I love my landline….it never let’s me down! Always have service!

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