It’s International Women’s Day! There are probably many people who might think that International Women’s Day is only for women. Those people would be wrong.

TDS’ own Women in Technology (WIT) employee resource group is encouraging everyone (yes, everyone!) to participate in International Women’s Day activities.

Sure, the day celebrates the contributions and achievements of women, but it also marks a call to action to increase gender parity.  Gender parity isn’t a “women’s issue”—it’s much, much bigger than that. Gender balance is essential to the success of economies, communities, and businesses like TDS.

“It’s so important for everyone to be aware that gender equality is a business issue,” says Lynette M., manager of Infrastructure Support and WIT member. “Gender diversity brings fresh perspectives and new ideas to the table that help everyone succeed.”

There’s lots of evidence to back this up. A recent Boston Consulting Group study found women receive less funding for their businesses but make double the revenue. Other research has shown links between greater gender diversity and higher returns on equity and earnings per share, and fewer corporate scandals.

Appropriately, the theme for International Women’s Day 2019 is Balance for Better (#BalanceforBetter). It’s a great message for the day, and for every day.

CEO Jim Butman and other TDS employees celebrating International Women’s Day 2019.



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